costs for modern automatic window shades with smart home automation

The Value & The Costs of
Automatic Window Shades

The Value

Automatic window shades are motorized shades that close, open, or tilt either automatically or by remote. The most advanced and integrated smart home automation systems can be programmed to keep warm, direct sunlight from unnecessarily heating the home in warm regions and/or summer months. Because of this, they can significantly reduce energy costs in a home without the need for exterior overhangs. When designed with careful intent, this may allow a new modern home to have larger window/door opening without impacting efficiency.

Additionally, no one likes when multiple windows have uneven shades. So, since these window shades are paired in groups it can keep all of them at the same height. Not to mention that they simply reduce the time it takes to open up to the views each morning!

The Costs

Automatic window shades come in a range of options, which will vary in cost. However, all will be above the costs for manual window shades. The choices between material, opacity, and size will all affect cost but so will the options of motors, installation, and smart home automation.

While the additional upfront costs may seem like a luxury, the significant long-term value they can add to a modern home should not be understated. For this reason, we often specify them in the most impactful areas of the home - making them partially obtainable to homes with even a mid range price point.
Our team of interior architects work with A/V consultants to get the system that works best with our design intent and meets your needs. We will also work with them to explore the many product options and integrations available to create the most efficient automatic window shade systems throughout your new home.