In order for a home to maximize its intake of solar power, our architects design the roof of the home to be
oriented towards the longest exposure to sunlight. This can be done in a number of different ways on both
pitched or flat-roofed homes. Sometimes, on larger properties, the home itself can be turned or positioned to
best capture the sun's energy.
In addition to capturing the energy, some solar power systems allow that energy to be stored in large
batteries. These batteries allow the home to use stored energy at night and on overcast days when the solar
panels are unable to harness the sun's energy.
The initial investment is significantly less when leasing, as opposed to buying, solar panels. Additionally,
this allows the homeowner to upgrade the panels after their lease period is up. However, leased solar panels
do not generate the long-term savings that they would if they were owned outright. Either way, solar panels
significantly reduce the use of non-renewable energy in any home and lead to major savings.
While the investment of purchasing solar panels is relatively high, the long-term savings are tremendous and
will pay off the initial costs in a matter of years. The more exposure these panels get to the sunlight, the
quicker the homeowners will see a full return on their investment. Meaning, the architectural design directly
correlates to the home's cost savings.