cost of geothermal heating cooling systems in modern architecture

The Value & The Costs of
Geothermal Heating & Cooling

The Value

Geothermal systems are a natural way to heat and cool your home without fossil fuels. Geothermal energy is sustainably sourced from the earth below the home, at a point in the ground where the temperature is naturally about 50 degrees year-round. Pipes are installed to channel warmth during the winter months, and bring in cooler temps during the summer months.

Geothermal energy is valuable as it is an environmentally friendly way to heat and cool your home. It is a clean resource, meaning no oil, coal, or fossil fuels are involved in order to achieve a desired temperature in your home and its a resource that is available 24/7 regardless of season.

The Costs

Geothermal can initially be costly to install, as it requires drilling into the Earth in order to install the necessary, looped-piping system. However, there are significant long term savings to be had from this type of heating/cooling system.

Geothermal adds immense value to one’s home by drastically reducing energy costs year-over-year. Additionally, tax credits are available in many states with green energy initiatives.