costs of architectural grade lighting fixtures in modern residential architecture

The Value & The Costs of
Architectural-Grade Lighting Fixtures

The Value

Architectural grade light fixtures can be designed to suit your lighting needs, targeting the psychological and physiological needs of light and design. These products go above and beyond standard fixtures and carefully consider color rendering, light intensity, angle of projection, and more.

There are numerous studies to explain the impact that light has on wellbeing and these higher-quality products take great care in producing light that benefits the homeowner’s daily lives.

The Costs

Architectural grade lighting products (which can include overheads, wall sconces, standing lamps, pendants, etc.) are fixtures of a higher manufacturing cost due to their highly calculated and considered light output. Additionally, they may include fees to address the customization and specifications directly related to your specific needs.

Because light is a complex science in and of itself, we often rely on the expertise of professional lighting designers. These close collaborators are able to understand our proposed architecture and interiors and suggest the most impactful lights within your home’s budget. However, the time and expertise of a consulting lighting designer will be an additional professional fee.