As an environmentalist, you’re passionate about leaving the world better than you found it and you recognize that the choices you make about your home’s design plays a crucial role. You understand that making these sustainable design / building related choices is an important step toward a healthier planet and a healthier home.
Nowadays, It’s completely doable to create a comfortable and beautiful new home that actually gives back to the environment more than it takes. From energy-efficient features and sustainable materials to landscapes that restore the local ecology, each element in and around your home can play a part in your commitment to the environment.
We specialize in crafting homes that not only meet the needs of our clients but also align with their values. We believe in building spaces that reduce environmental impact and simultaneously enhance the quality of life. Here are a few (of the many) design features that can transform your home into an eco-friendly haven, perfect for a lifestyle that nurtures both you and the environment.
CLT / Mass Timber Structure: Cross-Laminated Timber (CLT) and mass timber are building materials made of renewable lumber that are ideal for designing and constructing new modern homes. These materials benefit the sustainability, versatility, and aesthetic appeal of a home and contribute to forest health by promoting sustainable forestry practices and reducing reliance on non-renewable building materials.
Geothermal Heating/Cooling System: Geothermal heating and cooling systems take advantage of the earth's stable underground temperatures by pumping water through subterranean pipes then back up to an indoor handling unit that naturally distributes heat in the winter and cooling in the summer months.
Green Roof: A green roof is simply a way of recreating the displaced natural landscape on top of your home. Beyond the obvious aesthetic benefits of these natural roofs, there are many environmental and wellness benefits to them as well including added insulation, reducing noise pollution, and re-creating biological habitats.
MANY MORE HOME DESIGN IDEAS FOR ENVIRONMENTALISTS: Play Our Personality Game to Curate a Wishlist as Unique as You Are.