The Value & The Costs of
Rainwater Collection
The Value
Rainwater collection systems are designed to harvest and store rainwater for later use. Water is typically collected through gutters, downspouts, and through porous landscaping then directed into storage tanks or cisterns, where it can be treated and used for various non-potable purposes such as irrigation, landscaping, or toilet flushing. Rainwater collection systems can range from simple rain barrels to more complex systems with filtration and purification systems, offering homeowners a sustainable water source for their property. This amenity might be of interest to those who want to cultivate their own gardens, or those who want to prioritize reducing the impact on the environment (and their bank accounts!).
The Costs
The level of sophistication of your rainwater collection system in your custom modern home will directly impact overall costs. For example, you’ll have to decide on the type of water tanks or cisterns, plumbing / piping infrastructure, as well as a treatment system. Depending on the state you are looking to build your custom home, regulations on rainwater may vary and you might also have to consider specific permit requirements for rainwater harvesting systems. Inversely, some states offer tax incentives or rebates to encourage rainwater harvesting installations, which can help offset initial costs. Overall, even though a rainwater collection system can set you back a few thousand dollars, it may be a worthwhile investment especially considering the long-term financial—and ecological—benefits.