The Value & The Costs of
Draft Tap Systems
The Value
A draft tap system, commonly found in bars and restaurants, is a beverage dispensing system that can also be installed in custom modern homes. A set of taps are connected to kegs filled with beverages (typically beer—though it can be any beverage, including water, wine, cocktails, coffee, or even kombucha!) that are stored in a refrigerated unit or kegerator. With a simple pull of a lever, the taps pour a perfectly chilled, freshly poured drink for you and your guests, leaving more time for you to socialize instead of bartending. This system is often integrated into a custom bar or entertainment area, adding convenience and sophistication to your home. It can help reduce your consumption of individual bottles or cans, creating a clutter-free atmosphere for gatherings at home.
The Costs
Incorporating a draft tap system in your custom modern home is a convenient, stylish, and sustainable way to enjoy a beverage and entertain guests. Several variables will impact the costs of your draft tap system, including the number of taps you’d like installed, as well as hardware and equipment selections. You’ll need either a secondary refrigeration unit or kegerator to keep your beverages cold and ready for dispensing. Depending on what beverage you choose to dispense from your draft tap system, we can help guide you through the parts required to bring your dream bar to life.