Along the harbors of Long Island’s North Shore, a young couple were simultaneously looking back at their beginnings and forward to their future. With the family’s past and dreams in mind, this new home was thoughtfully designed to mix historic details with modern concepts.
The L-shaped floor plan allows nearly all spaces in the home to capture views out of
the deep North Shore woodlands and landscaping. Additionally, the rear pocket of the home lets natural light
in for the majority of the day. The only spaces intentionally placed in areas without ideal views and
daylight are the garages and mudroom.
It was important for the young family to have an area to provide for family
and friends a long-term stay and to have two home offices. To provide each of these areas with a sense of
privacy, the southern end of the home is separated from the primary massing of the home. These two volumes
are left connected by only a modern breezeway and interior bridge.
On the ground floor, the separation of the guest wing from the main residence creates a void which is ideal
for entry - This glass pathway mixes old and new design styles and provides clear views to the stunning
backyard from the front driveway. On the second floor, a floating catwalk creates an interior bridge that
connects the family’s bedroom suites to their private home offices.